Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Light and bright

Well, I looked around last night and I also got Hubby involved because his opinion really matters to me.
He was a bit bothered by the starts on the lantern I showed him because it reminded him of the Star of David and he thought some of his family members wouldn't understand.
So I looked around on E-bay some more and found some white lanterns. They have a very pretty glass that has a vine designed in it.
They were smaller than what I was thinking about: only 4"75 so 12cm when I was looking into 7-8" (18-20cm). But he voted for them, so I got ahead and ordered them on Ebay.
We will have to put something in the middle of the box to get the candle high enough.

The fun thing is: I didn't tell him at all what I was thinking about putting in the boxes besides grass and yet he said right away that we should put mini pumpkins, bittersweet and also mini gourds. So I'm glad our ideas are the same.

Here is the candles we are getting, 13 of them "a baker's dozen", enough to do all the tables and probably add some around to decorate.
The good part is I know I will have no problem reusing those later on, or we can always use them as gifts for some people.

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